Friday, August 2, 2013

Hey Watcha Doing Over There?

Hello Friends and Stampers!!!  Happy Holly-Day!!!

It is Holly here filling in for a not feeling so hot Laura today.   I hope Laura is feeling better soon, fevers are no fun!

Isn't Hollis the funniest image?  He is not listed in the store yet, but I wanted to know how many of you wanted to see these cute Art Impressions called front and backs in the store?  If you like Hollis and would like to see more, please send Laura an email.  There is no point in investing the money in a whole new line if there is not going to be a big demand, so we want our customers to let us know.  No only are the images funny, they are fun to bring to life and easy to color with Copic Markers.  There are hashes and dots where the shading part should be the darkest, so it's a lot easier than it seems.  

I am also using the theme this week in our Challenge, tall and skinny.  So this is a 4X9 card that will fit in a legal envelope.   I had fun with the die-cuts creating a scene. 

I am so happy it's Friday and I am off for two whole glorious days!  I have a lot of house work and laundry to do this weekend to get ready for a new work week, but oh, I also have mojo so I will at least do the laundry, lol.  It's not like I have to beat it against a rock after all.  And I will run around really fast as if I have company coming in a couple hours, and that should take care of the surface stuff, and then I will be able to sit and create something new guilt free.  That's my system, lol, how about yours?

This is also the last week of our Design Call, so we would love to see your entrees and perhaps you can join us on the team! 

I have an extra project to share with you tomorrow, see you then...



Laura Love

I love this Hollis image! This is so adorable!! You are rockin the 1 layer tall and skinny cards with these cute scenes! Enjoy your days off!

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