Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Bird Rescuer

Hi Stampers!

I just got home from work and wanted to do just a fun chatty post today! I didn't get a chance to create a project because I was visiting with my sister who is back from Florida for the next few weeks! She came over last night and we blabbed constantly until 11:30! We hadn't seen each other for months and we had a wonderful time chatting away :)

I only have two more day shifts and then I go back to overnights. Bummer for sleep wise...but awesome for getting store work done when it is super slow and nothing else to do! As long as the Internet works in our temporary dungeon. It doesn't like to cooperate always. So start looking for lots of new things being listed in the store...I don't know EXACTLY how many boxes of new stuff (a TON) that I need to list including some new stamp companies :) So keep an eye on our new items tab!

I wanted to share with you my little bird rescue...

We have had a robin build her nest on our front porch light and there were two little babies in the nest. At first I could barely see the little birds stick their necks up and open their mouths when they would hear the front door and then the other day I was talking to Tim in the garage and saw this...

This is one of the little babies getting ready to leave the nest! You can see it's little sibling just peeking out the top of the nest too! This one stood on the edge and just practiced stretching it's wings out and bobbing a little like it was getting the courage up to take off for the first time! I was surprised at how fast the little babies grow! Within about two weeks they are ready to leave the nest is what I read online!

A few days later I was weeding my garden, mowed the lawn and was trimming some annoying wanna be trees that keep tying to grow in our egress window wells and heard this loud chirping from one of them. I got all the growths out and spotted a little baby robin fledgling that was in the window well. Our window wells are pretty deep, about 2 feet or so, so I gently scooped him or her up and put it back in the grass. It sat there for a few minutes then started chirping away...I took a few pictures and caught it in mid-chirp...

After chirping for a few minutes the little one decided to take a little nap...

I checked back about a half hour later and the little bird was gone. I don't know if it was one of the babies from the nest but I looked around and didn't see any others nearby so maybe :)

Anyway that is my little bird rescue adventure...nothing too exciting but cute all the same :)

Well I better get some supper done then some orders packed! Tonight we are having Lasagna Soup which I found from my Pinterest Addiction. Here is a link to the recipe if you want to try it out! It is super yummy and has a special blend of cheeses you put in the bottom of your bowl and then ladle the soup over it called ...cheesy yum! Now how can a soup NOT be good when it has something called cheesy yum in it! Try will love it!

Have a great night all!


Holly AKA KopyKat

OMGosh I love baby birds in the nest, how cute! Glad you had some chit chat time with your Sister and time to catch up. Can't wait to see the new companies that are coming!!!!


Awesome pictures! So glad you got to spend some time with your sister!

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